
IoT USB GPIO modules

Easily connect your IoT edge devices to your computer or IoT system via USB

USB GPIO Module IoT InterfaceUSB GPIO Module Edge Device to CloudUSB GPIO Module Open-Source MQTT
Over 10 different industrial analog and digital interfaces are availableConnect GPIO edge device (end device) or sensor and easily connect to your computer or IoT gateway via USBDetermine freely selectable protocol and access, control or read out data stream directly on the edge device

Designed for IoT applications

Für IoT Anwendungen entwickeltKonfiguration und Zugriff über die IoT Rest-API CoAPOffen für Ihre Software zur Automation und Steuerung
Designed for IoT applications: The USB-GPIO modules are designed from the ground up for IoT applications and can be easily integrated into all common IoT platforms such as InfluxDB or Grafana.Configuration and access via the IoT Rest API CoAP: Communication takes place via the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), which was developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as a web transfer protocol for the Internet of Things (IoT).Open for your automation and control software: All USB GPIO modules are freely programmable. You can use them to control data traffic directly at the edge device or to trigger automations based on data.
Über Web-Applikationen direkt ansteuerbarFrei wählbares Datenprotokoll
Directly controllable via web applications: You get direct access to the USB-GPIO modules via your web application with WebSocket.Freely selectable data protocol: You decide how your data is transported. The free selection of the protocol enables the integration into modern IoT systems as well as historically grown networks.

Wide range of IoT interfaces

All IoT USB GPIO Modules

Analog Input Analog InputAnalog Output Analog OutputDigital Input 24V Digital Input 24VRS485 5V Digital Output 5V
RTD-DMS RTD-DMSCAN CANDigital Output Solid State Relay (SSR) Solid State Relay (SSR)Digital Input 5V Digital Input 5V
RJ12 RJ12Relais RelaisRS485 RS485RS232 RS232

Multiprotocol connectivity

Convert your I/O data stream to a protocol of your choice

Multiprotocol connectivity

You get four free programs to convert the protocol

TSB Web is a WebSocket-Server and Web-Server that establishes a WebSocket connection to the USB-GPIO module. A Websocket client - e.g. a web application - can thus directly access the data stream of the hardware.TSB CoAP provides a lightweight IoT REST interface CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol). This allows the USB GPIO modules to be controlled and data streams to be retrieved directly via CoAP.
TSB MQTT is a MQTT client for the USB GPIO modules. This allows data streams to be sent directly to external MQTT brokers via the lightweight publish/subscribe network protocol MQTT.SerialNet is a universal Serial-to-IP tool. It establishes a standard serial interface over TCP/IP. This allows to communicate with the USB GPIO modules over a classic TCP/IP network as if it was physically connected to a serial port on the remote system.

Use open source cloud tools and platforms

All USB-GPIO modules can be easily integrated into opensource tools and platforms like InfluxDB and Grafana.

InfluxDB InfluxDBGrafana Grafana
InfluxDB - NoSQL database for your time series data: Through new non-relational database concepts, InfluxDB is able to store and reload and provide large amounts of data with time reference very quickly and efficiently.Grafana - Analysis platform for your measurement data: Grafana is a platform for visualizing your measurement data. Dashboards and alerts can be created and shared. A large selection of plugins offers many possibilities for extension.
