Kapitel 4
Beacon Line RESTful API
The Bline Server RESTful API is described using OpenAPI (version: 1.0.230924). It provides a way during development and ongoing maintenance to use the API to keep its implementation consistent for documentation and testing.
4.1.1 lines
Beacon Line Lines-settings.
4.1.2 line/{Name}
Key-Value Beispiele
4.2.1 anchors
Key-Value Beispiele
4.2.2 anchor/{AnchorID}
Key-Value Examples
4.2.3 anchor/{AnchorID}/broadcast?on={false/true}
Key-Value Examples
4.2.3 anchor/{AnchorID}/scan?on={false/true}
Key-Value Examples
4.2.4 anchor/{AnchorID}/connect/{MAC}
Key-Value Examples
4.2.5 anchor/{AnchorID}/disconnect/{MAC}
Key-Value Examples
4.2.6 anchor/{AnchorID}/handle/{MAC}/{Handle}
Finding out the structure of the Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) table of a Bluetooth<sup>®</sup> Low Energy Peripheral device (discovery) is an energy-intensive process....
4.3.1 nodes
Beacon Line Nodes settings.
4.3.2 node/{MAC}
Key-Value Beispiele