3.2 Bline server software

The Bline server software can be started under Linux, Windows and macOS.

The Bline server can connect to several Beacon Line gateways or anchors. This can be set in the Bline-Server.yaml file.

Bline-Server im Explorer

An example (Bline-Server.yaml):

Download: Bline-Server.yaml

    jwt: false                              # JSON Web Token
    basepath: /bline/v1                     # HTTP Prefix
    www: vue/dist
    httpport: 8080                          # Port number for RESTful API
    scanport: 4000                          # Scan TCP port number
    errorport: 4001                         # Error Port number
    grpcport: 50051                         # gRPC Port number
    verbose: false                          # Verbose Flag
    monitor: true                           # Monitor Flag
    monitorinterval: 30                     # Monitoring Interval in seconds
    line1:                                  # Name of the gateway
        anchors: 1                          # Number of anchors connected to the gateway
        desciption: blgd-8c8e76011316       # The description of the line
        url: blgd-8c8e76011316:3001         # The IP address or hostname from the gateway
        enabled: true                       # Enabled Flag
        scan: true                          # Scan Flag
        broadcast: false                    # Broadcast Flag
        anchors: 3
        desciption: blgd-8c8e76010477
        url: blgd-8c8e76010477:3001
        enabled: true
        scan: true
        broadcast: true

We start the Bline servers:

In Windows we start in the command prompt with the following command:


Then the Bline server is started and initializes the Beacon Line:

Bline-Server, V1.0 (24.09.2023), (C) taskit GmbH, 2023

Scan server listen to port 4000
Error server listen to port 4001

Web-Hosting: vue/dist
API Basepath: /bline/v1
⇨ http server started on [::]:8080

Connect Lines
    line1      with 1 anchors   Port: 48236 <-> blgd-8c8e76011316
    line2      with 3 anchors   Port: 48237 <-> blgd-8c8e76010477
Initialise Lines
    Waiting for Anchors
    Initialising Complete
Statup Lines     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20
    line1       S-
    line2       SB  SB  SB